Sunday, March 7, 2010

Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

Wow! This man has a great outlook on his life. He seems to have a good attitude about the circumstance he is in. He talks about achieving your childhood dreams. He tell us what his dreams were and how he accomplished them.

In his lecture Achieving Childhood Dreams he talks about his childhood goals. The first of his goals was to be an astronaut and he shares that he was able to go to this zero gravity place at NASA. His second childhood dream was to play pro football, and he talks about the lessons he learned from football. He also wanted to be an imagineer and then he began talking about what he had done in the virtual world.

I personally liked the quote about brick walls. He said they are not for keeping people out but to show people how badly they want things. He also said that any thing is impossible. This is so true. If you are determined to do something and put your mind to it, then you will most likely accomplish that task.

I think the Alice way to teach computer programing was an excellent idea. He basically "head faked them by allowing them to make their own game and while doing that they learned computer programing. I think as teachers we need to use these "head fakes" in the classroom. We need to make learning fun. I think the more fun or enjoyable we make learning the more the students will want to learn.


  1. Hello Luke! I like your post, I put some of the same things in mine. Good job! :)

  2. You realize he died, right? Actually, just about a year ago.

    A powerful reminder of what makes good teaching and learning!

    I really liked the picture!
