Sunday, April 4, 2010

Blog Assignment Week 12: Kaia

Kaia took some pictures herself and her dad was trying to teach her that things some people view to be ugly can be beautiful if viewed correctly. Technology these days is so amazing. Even though Kaia doesn't really know what she is doing she is making connections with people worldwide through a computer screen. I am just amazed how much we can learn from using technology. We can learn new things with just the click of a button or share things we have learned with somebody on the other side of the world. Don't get me wrong I think we should still learn in the classroom, but I do think technology should be a major resource to learning.

1 comment:

  1. The Kaia story is jut one example of what we can do with blogs. In fact, your blogs above contain useful information about exchange programs with classes in different countries and a source for ideas that would be useful to EDM310 students looking for a Google Earth project. Mention your link to Hopkin's list in class tomorrow.
