Friday, February 5, 2010

Benefits for Podcasting in the Classroom

Now I realize how important podcasting is. After watching this video it gave me a different perspective on podcasting. I thought podcasting was boring, but Mr. Dell made it fun for the students.
By watching this video I earned many benefits I had never thought about. The first was it can be used for students that miss school due to an illness. Probably the most important benefit is that it made learning fun for the students, and when children are having fun that makes the learning experience all the better. Another important benefit I never thought about is that parents can listen do what they children are learning in the classroom. Parent involvemet is so important to a students learning success.


  1. I do have to agree with you about the benefits. The parents involvment is very important. Parents always want to know what their children are learning. Also, the students that are sick, this is very valuable for them to be able to still hear what is going on in class.

  2. Ah, you have turned your brain to "On." Great!
